Cheap Testosterone Test

Cheap Testosterone Tests

Cheap Testosterone Tests
If you haven’t ever taken the time to do a blood work test to start a baseline, now is as good of a time as any.  Will Brink (fellow fitness expert) wrote up an excellent article on the importance of blood work.
My visit to the life extension clinic to get a baseline for my blood work cost me exactly $250 (3 vials of blood; test results explained to me by the doctor).  It wasn’t free.

Recently I found a site via Clark Howard (financial and money saver radio talk show host) that allows you to input or bid on various health items.  If you look at the sample price, it appears to be a cheap testosterone test.
It doesn’t appear they offer everything nor is it available in all areas but it’s worth looking into if you don’t have a baseline, you are a deal seeker and you need to get some baesline blood work done.
Check out
Read more about the Facts About Your Blood Work
Marc David – CPT
“The NoBull Muscle Guy”
Author of NoBull Bodybuilding