If You Eat at Home, You are Not Alone

Thanks to a NPD report on the use of recipes for at home cooking, it looks like if you are one of the people who’s cooking more at home, you are not alone.  This means things like bodybuilding recipes is on the rise!  That’s great news for you because there’s quite a few on this blog.

People who use a recipe on a weekly basis has jumped from 37% back in 2005 to an almost high of 42% in 2011.

A whopping 67% of U.S. households have used a receipe in the last month and 42% use it even more often!

Count me as one of those people as I’m constantly pulling ideas from my top 3 fitness cookbooks.  As you might guess, dinner is the most often timeframe for using a receipe but I admit my dinners become lunches the next day and I’ll make something quick for a healthy breakfast as well.
If you think it’s because people are really interested in becoming healthy, you’d be wrong.  It’s about money.  U.S. families (as well as any cost conscious person) are just looking for ways to save some money, still have great tasting menus and use items at home.  That’s why I am such a fan of the bodybuilding receipes on this blog!  Most use 4 or less steps, they taste wonderful and they are creative and use things I often have at home anyway.
Where’s the growth coming from you ask?

  • Millennials make up 50% who use a receipe once a week (30 million young people)
  • 45% Generation X
  • Familes with children under the age of 18 (good to see kids eating at home)

As this trend continues to rise, there’s absolutely no reason for you to worry about the need to become a bodybuidling chef.  There’s many healthy meals on this blog as well as a few friends of mine that meet the needs of anybody trying to build muscle.
P.S. – If you have a sweet tooth, you might want to take a look at how to make High Protein Apple Cinnemon Dessert Balls by my skinny, but ripped friend from Canada… Scott Tousignant.
Marc David – CPT
“The NoBull Muscle Guy”
Author of NoBull Bodybuilding

1 Reply to “If You Eat at Home, You are Not Alone”

  1. I am currently trying to cut back on the amount of times I eat out. As you mentioned, not only does it save money but it is usually healthier to eat at home. I’ll have to check out some of your bodybuilding recipes and implement them into my diet.

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